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ZDF|planet e.|

28:20 Minuten



Die geheime Macht der Pilze

Pilze brauchen weder Luft noch Sonnenlicht. Sie vertragen Hitze und Kälte, sogar radioaktive Strahlung halten manche aus. Was macht Pilze zu solchen Überlebenskünstlern?

mehr dazuauch interessant
ZDF|planet e.|

28:41 Minuten



Extremwetter und Klimawandel

Unser Wetter wird extremer. Die Ahrtalflut war die teuerste Naturkatastrophe der deutschen Geschichte. Welche Rolle spielt der Klimawandel, und wie schützen wir uns vor Extremwetter?

ZDF|planet e.|

28:39 Minuten



Die UN-Klimakonferenz

Seit 1995 die erste UN-Klimakonferenz stattfand, geht es um nichts weniger als den Stopp des Klimawandels. Doch bringen Weltklimakonferenzen wirklich etwas? Oder sind sie überflüssig?

ZDF|planet e.|

28:34 Minuten



Energiesicherheit mit Biogas?

Eine fieberhafte Suche nach neuen Energiequellen ist entbrannt. Dabei reicht vielleicht schon ein Gang in den nächsten Kuhstall. Könnte heimisches Biogas russisches Erdgas ersetzen?

ZDF|planet e.|

28:33 Minuten



Water Shortage

Water shortage in Germany. Drought and increasing consumption are becoming a problem. Many wells no longer yield enough. The places where drinking water quality can be drilled are harder to find.Unusual methods such as the divining rod are also in demand. The water shortage now even affects Bavarian beer. Will there soon not be enough of it?

ZDF|planet e.|

28:56 Minuten



Fast Beauty

Powder, lipstick, eye shadow - cosmetics are a billion-dollar business. The industry is constantly launching new products onto the market. But it is not uncommon for children to suffer as a result of this boom. They slave away in dangerous mines for glamour and glitter. Being sustainable and ecological - that's what natural cosmetics promise. But is it really the better alternative?

ZDF|planet e.|

28:41 Minuten



Perfume - The great fragrance robbery?

Perfume - a luxury good. With fragrance oils from all around the world. Commodity trading in the perfume industry is a global phenomenon. Difficult to control on site, as with wild agarwood. Trading wild agarwood is illegal - unless you have a special permit. The problem: The perfume industry has a culture of secrecy. Could illegal agarwood also end up in European perfumes?

ZDF|planet e.|

28:45 Minuten



Death at the zoo

There are "surplus animals" in zoos around the world. Their genes are already sufficiently represented in the breeding programs. So some of them are killed. The number might increase. Is the seemingly perfect world of zoos at an end?

ZDF|planet e.|

28:50 Minuten



Fast Sports

Sporty. Healthy. Sustainable. Resource-saving collections. Environmentally friendly materials. These are the trends of the moment. But is the new sustainability awareness really honest? Or is it just about making the biggest possible profit?

ZDF|planet e.|

28:33 Minuten



Floating Cities

Climate change is advancing, and sea levels will rise. How can people prepare themselves? Floating cities could be an answer to these challenges. Climate-friendly, resource-saving and floating living. Will everything get better on the water?

ZDF|planet e.|

28:54 Minuten



When the sea sweats

The Arctic: home to the most dangerous hunters of the seas, orcas. Their world is threatened by underwater climate change. Experts fear dramatic consequences for the oceans and its inhabitants. Underwater climate change is progressing. Relentlessly, it seems. Whether it can still be stopped is primarily a matter for humans to decide.

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